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TEDA Comprehensive Bonded Zone Welcomes New Development Opportunity

Source:Binhai Times

The Regulations on the Customs Comprehensive Bonded Zones of the People’s Republic of China will come into effect on April 1st, 2022, which is the latest achievement of the legalization process of the customs on comprehensive bonded zone management. The regulations will help TEDA Comprehensive Bonded Zone to develop new international trade formats such as bonded maintenance and bonded R&D, as well as cluster development of high-tech and high value-added industries in the Zone. It will better promote the functional upgrading of TEDA Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Tianjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone, and build a new pattern of Tianjin’s opening to the outside world.

According to the Regulations, enterprises in the TEDA Comprehensive Bonded Zone can carry out 11 businesses, including finance leasing, cross-border e-commerce, international entrepot trade, international transit, port operations and futures bonded delivery. The Regulations stipulate tax policies such as bonded, tax-free, tax refund and tax payment. Among them, goods entering the comprehensive bonded zones from abroad, goods entering the comprehensive bonded zones by way of export declaration, goods between special customs supervision areas including the comprehensive bonded zones and other comprehensive bonded areas and bonded supervision places can enjoy the bonded policy. At the same time, the Regulations specify the measures to facilitate customs clearance in the comprehensive bonded zones, which will add new momentum to the regional development and help the industrial transformation and upgrading.

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