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TEDA Smart Environmental Protection Platform Selected into National List


Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released a batch of exemplary cases of digital ecological civilization achievements. The TEDA Smart Environmental Protection Platform was successfully selected as a case of promoting “ecology + business” through smart environmental protection. This platform is a significant measure by TEDA to expand the application scenarios of digital technologies in ecological environment protection. It fully demonstrates the innovative application achievements of TEDA’s ecological environment big data.

As the “brain” of ecological environment protection in TEDA, the TEDA Smart Environmental Protection Platform, relying on big data from comprehensive data center, collaborative supervision center, enterprise service center and third-party information disclosure center, constructs a comprehensive, multi-level, three-dimensional, and fully-fledged ecological environment monitoring network. The platform not only collects real-time data on regional pollution source emission factors, environmental quality, ecological conditions, environmental risks, and enterprise information management to foster an intelligent environmental protection IoT system, but also empowers environmental management and enterprise services and further enhances the effectiveness of ecological environment supervision.

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