Set Up a Branch of Foreign-Invested Company
Establishment/Modification/Cancellation of Branch of Foreign-Invested Company
For the establishment, modification or cancellation of a foreign-invested company’s branch, the following documents are to be prepared and submitted respectively:
1. Application form for branch registration;
2. For the branch of which the name is subject to pre-approval, the Notification of Company Name Registration is to be submitted;
3. Certificate of the branch’s domicile (address);
4. Copy of the document(s) of approval or permit(s) (for the branch which is subject to approval prior to registration as required by laws, administrative regulations, or the business scope is subject to approval prior to registration as required in relevant laws, administrative regulationsand the decisions by the State Council);
5. Copy of the company’s business license (with the official seal on it);
6. Article of association of the company.
1. Application form for branch registration;
2. The following documents are to be submitted if any registration information is to be modified:
(1) Name: for the branch of which the name is subject to pre-approval, the Notification of Company Name Modification Registration is to be submitted;
(2) Domicile: certificate of the new domicile (address);
(3) Business scope: for the branch of which the business scope is subject to approval prior to registration as required, copy of the document(s) of approval or permit(s) are to be submitted;
(4) Person in charge: appointment document of the new person in charge and its certificate of ID (please attach the copy to the application form and confirm the information related to the dismissal and appointment);
(5) If the registration information of the branch is to be modified due to the change of the company, the copy of the company’s certificate of modification is to be submitted;
3. For the branch subject to approval prior to registration, document(s) of approval by relevant authority should be submitted when applying for the modification of domicile (address), person in charge, duration, business scope;
4. Copy of the company’s business license (with the official seal on it);
5. Printed business license of the branch.
1. Application form for branch registration;
2. Document of approval by relevant authority (only for the branch which is subject to cancellation approval prior to registration as required in relevant laws and administrative regulations);
3. Resolution or decision made by the company in accordance with laws and regulations;
4. Tax clearance certificate (not required if the status of clearance can be confirmed by the registration authority by means of information sharing between government departments);
5. Printed business license of the branch.
If the above-mentioned documents are in a foreign language, they are to be properly translated into Chinese, and the translated version with the seal of the translator (company or other organization) is to be submitted.